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Save you

Save you

【MV】Save you /さとみ

〚Save you tonight〛

Your single teardrop spilled over to the bed
But there is no second time again

It's hard to stop
To be in the pessimistic mood
But think about it coolly
You're better than you used to be
〚That's true〛

Take off your sunnies
Before you say the future looks break
Everything you see changes completely
〚Open your eyes〛

No need to practice
Wherever you are you can make it
〚Make it〛
Want to experience it with me
〚You can get it〛

In the night too sad
I'll save you from the darkness
So don't forget it
Baby baby you can see the sun anytimes
〚Seize your own light〛

Oh you're just taking one step forward
Never ever never gonna stop
Don't cry I promise
Save you from the darkness
So don't forget it

How could it be ?
You're just the only one for you Yeah
You think that you don't care ' bout yourself
