EVENT 本日 22:30時〜👻🎬CUBE 一度入ったら、最後 放送

新着アーカイブ 13556

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Work drive time! While out on the field 🏠 & listening to my Shazam Tracks 📻 from my Spotify Station 🚉 or 98.7 FM 📻 Radio!  
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Work drive time! While out on the field 🏠 & listening to my Shazam Tracks 📻 from my Spotify Station 🚉 or 98.7 FM 📻 Radio!  
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RUS2 - RUSTY WALLIS HONDA - met with Darryl and Oscar in parts department also met with Zumill and said Isaak found another job recently Omie’s friends 
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Work drive time! While out on the field 🏠 & listening to my Shazam Tracks 📻 from my Spotify Station 🚉 or 98.7 FM 📻 Radio!  
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Work drive time! While out on the field 🏠 & listening to my Shazam Tracks 📻 from my Spotify Station 🚉 or 98.7 FM 📻 Radio!  
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DAL - Dallas Dodge/Chrysler Parts - met with RJ(remembered me) and was using our pads when I walked in and Jamie Sanchez (I think misspelled) and said that Juan Martinez, Guillermo were out at the moment and that Mariy 
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Work drive time! While out on the field 🏠 & listening to my Shazam Tracks 📻 from my Spotify Station 🚉 or 98.7 FM 📻 Radio!  
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GAT1 - GATEWAY BUICK GMC - met with Daniel and said that Jonathan(was out this week) took Curtis spot and he said that they are not on OPSTRAX came by to drop off Calendars and cards Parts Trader OEC  
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Work drive time! While out on the field 🏠 & listening to my Shazam Tracks 📻 from my Spotify Station 🚉 or 98.7 FM 📻 Radio!  
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Work drive time! Heading to work 🏙️ talking to mom & listening to my Shazam Tracks 📻 from my Spotify Station 🚉 or 98.7 FM 📻 Radio!  
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Work drive time! Heading home 🏠 & listening to my Shazam Tracks 📻 from my Spotify Station 🚉 or 98.7 FM 📻 Radio!  
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Work drive time! Heading home 🏠 & listening to my Shazam Tracks 📻 from my Spotify Station 🚉 or 98.7 FM 📻 Radio!  
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Work drive time! Heading back to office from being out on the field 🏠 & listening to my Shazam Tracks 📻 from my Spotify Station 🚉 or 98.7 FM 📻 Radio!  
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Work drive time! Heading back to office from being out on the field 🏠 & listening to my Shazam Tracks 📻 from my Spotify Station 🚉 or 98.7 FM 📻 Radio!  
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Gordos Garage Auto Service***need to open account *** - met with Cristian Maldonado came by to drop off Calendars and cards  
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Work drive time! While out on the field 🏠 & listening to my Shazam Tracks 📻 from my Spotify Station 🚉 or 98.7 FM 📻 Radio!  
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Mr. J Auto Parts ***need to open account *** - met with Alfredo said he’s the one who orders came by to drop off Calendars and cards  
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Work drive time! While out on the field 🏠 & listening to my Shazam Tracks 📻 from my Spotify Station 🚉 or 98.7 FM 📻 Radio!  
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JR5 - JR. AUTOMOTIVE - met with Jose Ramirez (husband) and Nancy (wife) thanked him for his calls and orders came by to drop off Calendars and cards 
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Work drive time! While out on the field 🏠 & listening to my Shazam Tracks 📻 from my Spotify Station 🚉 or 98.7 FM 📻 Radio!