Latest 13578

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At Mudhook Bar and Kitchen with my bride, Joanna, Festes and Patti and JD  
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At Mudhook Bar and Kitchen with my bride, Joanna, Festes and Patti and JD  
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At Mudhook Bar and Kitchen with my bride, Joanna, Festes and Patti and JD  
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At the Dickies Arena in Fort Worth concert 🎵 of Ramon Ayala with my bride and the two ladies (one which it’s with Johnny - my father in law friend)  
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At the Dickies Arena in Fort Worth concert 🎵 of Ramon Ayala with my bride and the two ladies (one which it’s with Johnny - my father in law friend)  
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At the Dickies Arena in Fort Worth concert 🎵 of Ramon Ayala with my bride and the two ladies (one which it’s with Johnny - my father in law friend)  
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At the Dickies Arena in Fort Worth concert 🎵 of Ramon Ayala with my bride and the two ladies (one which it’s with Johnny - my father in law friend)  
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At the Dickies Arena in Fort Worth concert 🎵 of Ramon Ayala with my bride and the two ladies (one which it’s with Johnny - my father in law friend)  
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At the Dickies Arena in Fort Worth concert 🎵 of Ramon Ayala with my bride and the two ladies (one which it’s with Johnny - my father in law friend)  
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At the Botanical Gardens showing support for our daughter on her Pop Up with my bride and my father in law showed up at the end of the podcast 
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At Yanet’s New 🏠 house Place to play Loteria with Sophia, Gloria and Emilio 
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At Yanet’s New 🏠 house Place to play Loteria with Sophia, Gloria and Emilio 
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At Yanet’s New 🏠 house Place to play Loteria with Sophia, Gloria and Emilio 
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Heading To Yanet’s New 🏠 house Place to play Loteria with Sophia, Gloria and Emilio 
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Leaving players and heading home 🏠 with my bride, Joanna and Rosanne  
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At players and fixing to leave at end of podcast with my bride, Joanna and Rosanne  
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At players with my bride, Joanna and Rosanne  
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Radio #813522169 / Welcome Viewers! 
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At players with my bride, Joanna and Rosanne  
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At players with my bride, Joanna and Rosanne