
Princess Musical Celebration Night time

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This booking page is for Daytime Performance!
If you want to get tickets for the Nightime performance, Go to

Princess Musical Celebration

Performers: Nishioka Mai/Rina Maejima / Yurina Kutsukake / Mare Kasuga / Junko Shimizu / Mina Shida / Tomo Watanabe / Yukaku Matsumoto
Pianist: Minako Takeda
Producer: Seika Takeuchi
SNS Director: Azusa Takeuchi

Date: January 10, 2022 (Mon)
Location: Cafe & Diner「Offza」(offza.jp/

Time: Day Open 1:00PM Start 1:30PM
        Night Open 6:00PM Start 6:30PM

Ticket price:
Reg Ticket: 5200 yen plus one drink minimum
Students: 4500 yen plus one drink minimum (limited)
Kids(3 -12 old): 3500 yen plus one drink minimum

For reservations:

Cancelation policy:
In the event, you must cancel your reservation please email us at
princess.mcelebration@gmail.com before January 8th or you will be subjected a 100 %Cancellation fee

Payment is at the door!

☆ We will be live streaming and NO ARCHIVE!!

We hope you can join us!

Please Support us! Click the link below


Princess Musical Celebration Night time 2,500 日圓含稅